Sunday, September 20, 2009

Mark 7:20-23

There is a new movie coming out soon and a commercial for it said something like, "What if you could do anything you like?" implying that there would be no consequences. Well, I wondered about that and I thought if I could do anything I liked for even a day, I wouldn't put my foot in my mouth, I'd be kind to everybody because I really wanted to be not just because I should, I'd only think clean thoughts and have pure motives for everything I did and said.

But the movie clip immediately showed people doing things that normally would get them jail time or at least a severe reprimand from some people.

So when I read these verses, I pictured a person like a volcano, with all the things listed in the verses spewing out of the person. Yuk.

So, although I thought when I saw the clip, why do movies always say somehow it is good to do what you want but then always seem to interpret that as doing whatever you SELFISHLY want to do and ignore the effect the action will have on others or even on yourself, after reading these verses, I am not wondering why anymore. I am just praying for a new heart and a clean mind and the strength of the Holy Spirit in me to help me do what is good, the hardest thing I can think of to do consistently all day, every day. Help me, Lord.

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